I struggle with heights, especially when there is nothing beneath me. I would definitely not make it as a tight rope walker. So, it is quite ironic that a few weekends past, I found myself 50 feet in the air on a wire looking down at the people below me. It was terrifying and thrilling at the same time I somehow found myself signing up for the Ropes Course at the camp I was leading worship at. Once it began, the first thing I had to do was scramble up a tree, then walk across a wire bridge and step sideways across another wire with the aid of the hanging ropes. Apparently, I was doing a little to well, so the instructor had my put one hand behind my back and grab the ropes with only my right hand. I was tempted to reach with the other hand, but the challenge fired me up and I did it. I was feeling great....until I got the the swinging bridge. I took a step down...it wasn't steady. I put my arms out to balance myself. With each step, I could feel the distance between me and the ground, as the bridge wobbled just enough to unsettle my heart and stir up my fear. Then it happened, I froze. I froze and the thoughts and pictures in my head of the moment where it all ends and I fail and go crawling back down, a failure, flooded my mind. The instructor coached me. She said I could do it. She gave me tips, saying that if I just keep moving, the bridge would be steady, especially when I have to go over the single six foot plank in the center. I didn't believe her. I knew what I felt. I knew that with each step, the bridge seemed to swing more. Yet, I made the decision to believe what she was saying and I moved forward quickly, flying across the plank (with my eyes closed) and I made it to the next tree. I could breath again! After that the swings were a breeze and I ended by sailing down on the zipline. I made it. I felt invigorated. I faced my fear and I conquered it. But, here is the reality. At no point was I actually in any danger of falling to the ground. I was safely harnessed to a secure line that would catch me if I fell. Yet, the fear was still there, the hesitation was real. Did I actually trust that the harness would catch me? At the time, no!
That's life. And that's life in Christ. How many times have I gone through trials and I look down and all I see is how far I could fall instead of looking up and remembering the harness that will catch me when I do. When I am wrapped in my fear and trials come, it is more difficult to hear and trust the voice that says, "Keep moving. If you trust me the way will be sure and you will make it to the end. You will not fall." All I can see during that time is how far down I could fall. In our fear, our vision can get blurry, but we also have the ability to choose to trust Truth. We can choose to trust those who see more clearly than we do and heed their wisdom. We can choose to take our thoughts captive and put them in obedience to the truth of Jesus Christ. Friends, when you are on the wire and you look down, may I encourage you to look up, remember that you are secure and harnessed to the anchor of your soul, Jesus Christ. It's true. Trust me, because I can see clearly now. Where are you struggling to trust? Today, try to take a tiny step forward in faith in that area and see if He is faithful. I loe you in the Lord, Mia
We are now on the fourth and final week of our journey with Mary. Feel free to catch up by reading the previous three entries, Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3. They are pretty quick reads. Last week we were given the encouragement and reminder that we are not alone in the tasks that God has for us. He is with us, Father , Son and Spirit. That's good news. This week we wrap up with verse 38. Just as a reminder, let's re-read the entire passage. "In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” In last week's entry, we were given the reminder to not be afraid because we are highly favored as children of God. Because of that, we can freely answer the call to serve and love in whatever God sets before us. This week, I am continuing in our passage of Luke 1:26-38, starting at verse 31- You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.” Did you catch that? "You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end." Mary was just told that her son was going to be the most amazing son in the whole world (literally), a mothers dream. He was going to be perfect. Her son was going to sit on the throne and rule forever!!
Props to Mary and the trust she had. I would have sarcastically said "Yeah, right!" I believe that Mary completely accepted the foretelling as truth. In faith she simply believed that God could and would do what the angel said. Her only question was a really good one. She obviously understood the birds and the bees and was curious as to how this was all to take place....you know, the actual part of getting pregnant so that the Savior could be born. She was, after all, a virgin. Probably, the most amazing part of all of this is that even before knowing all the details, she was already ALL IN! Sounds like a great example to follow. When we are given a call that we know has been placed on us by the Lord, it's ok to ask questions. But let us ask the Lord to turn our hearts so that the logistical questions we ask are asked in faith, knowing that He will do what He says He will do. Let's ask questions from a posture of being ALL IN. Sometimes, the vision that God lays on our hearts is SO BIG that we cannot fathom how He will accomplish it, especially, through us. But that is the marvelous thing....He is God, He is in the business of marvelous, He's in the business of using us because He loves us. Today, dear friend, trust God. He has done marvelous things. Let's praise Him and watch His plans unfold as He enfolds us into His heart for His glory! I love you in the Lord, Mia Check back next week for Part three! I don't have the answers, but I always have a lot of questions. So if you are curious about what's rumbling around in my head and heart today, here goes!
I have, for years, struggled with Trust. Then, when I think I have it mastered, I go through the 12 steps (Celebrate Recovery) and see how far I have to go. God is always working to grow me in this area, particularly in the area of trusting others. So, if my heart cry is to trust God more, how does that translate into trusting other people? Is it a cop out to say I trust God, just not people.... probably! How do I learn to trust others after having confidentialities broken repeatedly and simply want to trust God alone with my secrets and heart cries? What does TRUST really look like in my life? Where is that line when I lack trust in God and put more trust in my own abilities. My prayer there is that God would reveal those areas in my life quickly. Well, that's just what is swimming around today. What I do know is that God if faithful in all areas of my life and the lives of those who TRUST in Him. So I trust the Lord and at the same time ask Him to help me with my lack of it. One day I will strive no more, but until then, I count it all joy to be refined through the fire. What area does God repeatedly refine in you? |
The BlogA collection of writings from a life based on the truth that about midnight anything can happen. AuthorAs an imperfect servant of the Lord, I often feel I am fumbling my way through life, looking upward for guidance and outward to love. So, I write about it, to break up the noise in my head. Categories
May 2024