In the past, I was addicted to cigarettes and I used to drink a lot and smoke pot (and stuff). I rejoice that I have been delivered from those patterns and addictions and celebrate the fact that I am not who I once was. God changed my life! But now as I learn more (and get older), I realize my addiction to food has been the longest, trickiest addiction I have had to battle. Becoming educated in this area (and I know so little) has changed my mindset, it is changing my life. I have lost 25 pounds since January, 2015 and I still have about 20 to go. Obesity is literally killing us, it was killing me and I was in pain everyday. The thing with obesity is that it is one of those "addiction" consequences that no one wants to talk about for fear that people may think we are judging people. Well, If I was high on Meth, you would (I hope) confront me because you love me and tell me to stop killing myself. We don't want to point our finger at obesity and plainly put, fat people. It's a tough addiction and probably one that many of us struggle with. I know I do! It's food, we need it, companies need to make money and they need you to come back, so they create a really good product to keep you coming back for more. Hence...the addiction is created! I am a pretty frugal person, I love resale shops, sales and I pride myself on not spending over $20 for a pair of jeans. Well, when I burst out of all my jeans and my baggy shirts became skin tight, I had a very good excuse for why this was happening and basically lied to myself in saying that it had nothing to do with the ice cream, cookies, fast food and snacks that I was eating. **Even when I went and spent almost $200 on a pair of jeans that would fit my new "curves" so that I could spare my kids from having to look at my butt-crack hanging out of my pants, I still didn't recognize the problem. ** I could buy new jeans, but I still felt sick. Headaches, migraines, joint and muscle pain were everyday struggles I dealt with. I had a constant flow or Excedrin Migraine, Motrin, Aleve and sleep aids going through my system and always close at hand. I just thought that this was my life and I would always feel this way. Today, I am on a journey and I have some incredibly inspirational and passionate people that have inspired me as I continue going forward. Let me say it again, It stated with knowledge (and grace). First from my Lord and Savior and the example that He gave in His Word. I recommend the 21 Day Fast through YouVersion. I wasn't setting out to lose weight or to change my life, I just wanted to spend time with the Lord and through it He revealed to me my strongholds and one of the major struggles I had was food. The Lord brought people into my life to walk alongside me. Helping my body to heal through JuicePlus+, my sweet friend and coach, Cheri, taught me so much about the body and what it needs to function properly. I started using the fruit and vegetable powders faithfully and saw much of my pain go away. I have now added the Complete Protein to my routine as well. Love it!! Then I watched the movie Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. This movie did such a great job of making my health and how my body works understandable and it really motivated me to take it to the next level. I started adding juicing to my daily routine. With the added juicing, I saw my body completely detox, the inflammation go away and the weight fall off. An interesting bit of info I heard (and don't quote me, but it made sense in my journey and testimony) was that 15% of weight loss is exercise, 35% is what you eat and 50% is detox. I found that so much of what was keeping me fat was that I was poisoning myself with killer toxins through all the crud I was eating and putting in my body. I could go to the gym all I wanted, but the weight never budged because I was full of poison. So there I was, my relationship with the Lord growing stronger as I began to grasp the importance of keeping the temple of the Holy Spirit healthy SO THAT I can continue to do His work. But, I still needed help on what to now put in to fuel my body. Learning through various sources on how to eat clean, I am still learning. Thankfully as I detox, my cravings for sugar and food-like products have almost completely diminished, minus that 4 day cruise we just took (remember, I operate under grace.) I have been inspired and motivated by the recipes of Christina Jordan who has an incredible weight loss story herself. She now coaches and walks alongside people on Facebook and through her very own company Fit Body Weight Loss to help them to live a healthy life. She has dedicated her life to loving people in the Lord and teaching them the joys of healthy living. I am happy to report that my $200 jeans are too big and I bought a new pair (that I love) for $15! A friend of mine said "Your skin looks so healthy." My pain is 99% gone. I have more energy than I have had in long time. My massage therapist re-evaluated me yesterday and said my posture and muscle functions have increased positively. I LOVE coffee, but don't drink it regularly anymore because I don't "need" it to get me going in the morning. Now, when I have it, it's a special treat on that rare occasion. I sleep well at night and the insomnia is gone and most nights, I can fall asleep even through my husbands snoring (I love him so!) Please know, I don't claim to know much except what is going on in my own life and in my own journey. Healthy living is changing my life for the best. I am learning through the journey. God loves me and thinks I am amazing regardless of my weight and the food I put in my body. He loves you the same way, regardless of what you look like and what you eat. But I do know, that God has entrusted me to care for what He has given and He has entrusted you with the same. So how are you doing? I operate under grace. Grace has saved my life eternally and grace in my daily walk keeps me going on the days when I fall down, when I slip and when I fail. Today I am staying healthy so that I can continue to do what God has called me to do. Lots of ups and downs, but God is faithful. I love how people have loved me and gently (and sometimes extremely firmly) spoken truth into my life. I love you in the Lord and pray that He would draw you close to Him and speak whatever truth He needs to into your life. I pray that He would bring people into your life to walk alongside you to keep you strong in Him and strong in body SO THAT you can continue to do His work joyfully and with a healthy temple. Please feel free to contact the people I have listed, Cheri and Christina. They are there to help and they know way more I do. Their lives and testimonies have encouraged me and I hope that my journey will do the same for you! Blessings sweet friends! Mia PS, as I was scrubbing the tub, this other thought came to me. Food addiction isn't just for those of us who show it through obesity, it's for all of us who struggle. You can be thin and struggle, but maybe your struggle is silent. It comes down to the fact that we are called to be healthy! #GoodChoices
Easter Monday! My husband, nephew and daughter (aka, the Principal, the Biology teacher and the student) all had the day off. So, we spent it being led by one of our favorite staff members, Joe, as he gathered a group of high school students to head to Fossil Creek near Strawberry, AZ. It was a nice drive up north. A nice drive, that is, until the last 15 miles of bumpy dirt road that we maxed out at 15 miles per hour. About half way in we saw that our first van had stopped and the kids appeared to be looking over the cliff. Obviously we were curious, so we got out to join them. So began our first lesson in driving on bumpy roads with no rails and steep cliffs. Lesson 1: Don't drive over the cliff. After an hour drive on the road to the creek, we quickly realized, it was all worth it. Every bump! I think what blows my mind is how in the midst of the desert, if you follow just the right path, you end up in what seems to be a tropical paradise. The water was clear as glass, with electrifying shades of blue and green. I forgot that I was in Arizona and for a moment though I was back on the sandy shores of Haiti. At this point we began hiking. I had heard rumors of hiking adventures with Mr. Richter (our trip leader), most of which can be summarized by the fact that even if there is no path, the land can still be hiked. Lesson 2: You don't need a path when you can see the top of the mountain. Make you own path! So the first group went ahead followed by my group which included my husband and two other young men. We quickly figured out that the only way (that we could see) was straight up the river as we saw no path and much of the ground was thick with bush (and bugs). I am thankful that there isn't (much) video footage of me trying to make my way upstream. Trying to get my footing on slippery rocks, sudden depth changes and a strong current make for an interesting trek. Here is the first current that I tread through safely. However, this same current on my way back actually picked me up and pushed me against the rocks and down the little fall. I gained a new appreciation for water, rapids and currents. Very powerful! Lesson 3: Respect the power of water Venturing on to our second destination was a favorite for the students as they enjoyed the water, the view and the jumps! It was a great day. Fun to be with the students, fun to be with my husband, daughter and nephew, fun to experience a bit of paradise in the desert with the people that I love and respect. Today was worth every bump and bruise. At this point, I have to over share, so I am giving you warning to turn back now if you want to leave this story on a high note. As with every adventure and journey there are always a few mishaps. We had a bunch, as this is what happens when you hike the untrodden trail and make your way up stream and downstream grabbing on to branches and anything else that will keep you from going under. ENJOY! The Ouchie Segment
(All in a days adventure) ![]() Today, I'm doing the public service portion of my blog. After I posted this picture on my FB page, my sweet friend commented that she didn't know what some of this stuff was. So Rachel, this is in honor of you!! Love you girl. And no worries, I only know about it because my Mom keeps me up to date. I'm not a health nut, but there are a few things, especially with being on the road, that are essential in keeping me healthy. Being on airplanes, singing and sometimes licking other peoples microphones (which is why I carry my own most times), and sometimes not getting much sleep, I have found that these little things have been very helpful. 1. The Word of God. I can't live without it-LITERALLY. Having a great body (which I am NOT claiming) means absolutely nothing if the Word of God does not dwell in me richly. It is life and it is a non-negotiable. My husband and I were talking the other day about a time, maybe 13+ years ago, when I was 5'9' (I'm shrinking) and down to 125lbs. I was running twice a day (obsessively), not eating much, smoking, drinking and wearing a size 5 jeans. I looked really good (on the outside) but, inside my life was a mess until God intervened in a massive way. Speaking of which you can watch my testimony here. #1 The Word! 2. My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers. I have been reading this daily devotion for years. I always find something new in it. I have a few copies of it, but for some reason the torn up, paper clipped version remains my favorite travelling companion. You can read these online as well. 3. TriVita Vital C Crystal Powder. It is a great powder form of pure Vitamin C and gets absorbed right into your body and does the job. I have not found a better form or more powerful form of Vitamin C. In my house we jokingly call it C-crack. It's that good (not that crack is good. Crack is BAD!) When my daughter feels a cold coming on she immediately asks for the C-crack. It is a little pricey, but coming from one of the worlds cheapest gals.."You get what you pay for" This stuff is worth it. TriVita C Crysal Powder 4. HerbaSway All Natural Memory Support. I call it my Memory juice. Basically it's blueberry extract. A dropper full a day. For someone like me who has horrible memory and retention skills, which can be a problem when trying to sing and play songs (even the ones that I have written) at a concert. Once I began taking this, I noticed a huge improvement in my ability to memorize songs, chords and my children's names. HerbaSway 5. TriVita Nopelea juice. Again, this one is pricey, but well worth it. It's my miracle juice. It takes commitment as it is a natural anti-inflammatory. It's not a quick fix, but with time shows great results. I have arthritis throughout my body. Mornings are tough as I take my first steps out of bed. When I first began using this, I remember the day when I woke up got out of bed and the pain was gone. It was a miracle and if you have suffered from chronic pain, you know what I'm talking about. Unfortunately, some major life events happened that got me off my schedule and I stopped my routine and the pain all came back. So, I am now restarting the regimen, 60 days of a high dosing period, after that I cut my intake down. I am in my first month of re-combating the inflammation. Check in with me in a few months and I'll tell you how it goes. TriVita Nopelea 6. Greens..No brand plugs here. I don't know if they work except that It's good to get all your veggies and fruits in and if you are on the go a lot, using this as a supplement is great. 7. Glucosamine Chondrotin because my doctor said I'm getting old. Bone health is important, so I take it. 8. WATER...always! 9. Coffee, because God is good! The mug with a seal top because I spill everything, especially when I'm on the plane, train or in the automobile. 10. Underwear....Not pictured here, but kinda important. I can wear jeans twice, maybe even my tops, NOT my socks and especially NOT my panties. Is that too much information? If so, welcome to my world and enjoy the ride! Maybe half of this was helpful #10, I'm sure not at all. |
The BlogA collection of writings from a life based on the truth that about midnight anything can happen. AuthorAs an imperfect servant of the Lord, I often feel I am fumbling my way through life, looking upward for guidance and outward to love. So, I write about it, to break up the noise in my head. Categories
May 2024