![]() The last thing I wanted to hear when I was chasing a 13 month old who was constantly climbing tables and had been since he started walking at 9 months, while I had my other baby latched onto my breast dangling mid air all while my 4 year old was in the kitchen "trying" to make breakfast (not to mention the fact that I was doing in home daycare for multiple other children at the same time) was "Treasure this time, it goes so fast." Treasure that time? ...the crazy, the weariness, the loneliness in the midst of chaos, the longing for my husband to come home and rescue me, the dirty diapers, the fatigue, the feeling of being a milking station, the sleepless nights (shall I go on)...treasure that? You have got to be kidding me!! Yet, here I am. Apparently, I survived..... my bra size a bit smaller, my stomach a bit flabbier, my stretch marks a testimony to my labor, my wrinkles (3 of them) a badge of the times I spent laughing my way to borderline sanity and my babies now grown. Those voices ring in my head, the voices telling me to treasure it up, because they grow so fast and my response of not wanting to, I just wanted to survive the day without a major catastrophe. I just wanted them to hurry up. Well my wish came true. Time hurried up, time did not wait, my babies grew up. My babies now look out for me. My babies have their own opinions, their own ideas, their own relationships. My babies don't poop or pee in their pants anymore and don't need me to cut their nails or wipe their nose. My babies.....what happened to the time?
I look at myself and wonder, because I know it was just yesterday that they needed me, I know it was just yesterday that they would fall and want me to kiss their owie and make it better. I am sure that it was just the other day when they wouldn't go to bed unless I tucked them in. They grew up. I try my hardest to not be that person... you know, the one who is on the other side passing down those words "Treasure this time, it goes so fast" to the younger moms, but the reality is whether you treasure it up, take it for granted, hold your breath or wish it away, time marches on. Babies grow up and move out and then all you have are the memories of the precious chaos of days gone by. So, to my Moms that are in the thick of it; It's true, the time with your young children goes fast so, embrace the crazy that is before you. Don't run from it, jump in it and dance in it...out crazy the crazy, turn the world upside down. Seek God hard in the loneliness, learn to trust him more in your weariness. Change the poop with pride, don the stretch mark as your banner, the wrinkles and bags under your eyes as a testimony to the fact that you are not defeated. You have lived to take on another day! And my friends, that truly is a gift! You see, one day, you will be like me, standing where I am, wondering how it all happened and where the time went and it will take all your willpower to not sound like THAT PERSON! Yet, here I stand with my grown-up babes and one day, Lord willing, you will too. Now someone go get me some grandbabies!!! Let's do this!! Love you in the Lord, Mia
Growing up in a home that understood the definition of family was a beautiful thing. I remember standing before a judge at the age of 12 and telling him that I wanted Joan and Paul Grotelueschen to be my parents. I wanted to be adopted by my Mom & Dad. They were my parents and they had been for the last 12 years. The Grotelueschen kids were my brothers and sisters. That was real. I didn't even need a piece of paper to tell me that, but you know, paperwork is good! I didn't look like anyone in my family and that was ok, I didn't even know what it was like to look like someone. I was clearly adopted and stood out like a sore thumb and that was just fine. We knew what family was. My sister was blond haired and blue eyed and my other sister was adopted from Hong Kong. We were sisters. My brothers were great looking white guys, strong and athletic, who loved their little sister. We weren't your traditional family, especially in the 60's and 70's, but we were family and still are! Back to that little girl.... honestly, there was always something inside me that wondered.... "Is there anyone out there that looks like me?" Well, one day when I was 16, I got the answer to that question when I sought out my biological family, located them and took a train and bus to the south side of Chicago to meet them. It was actually kind of weird. Here, before me, were people who shared my blood line, black people, like me. I felt a bit out of place. It was all so surreal that I didn't even stop to take a mental picture and ask do we look alike? Well, that was years ago. And here I am, now in my 40's, posing a question which at the end of the day, doesn't matter, yet, I still feel like asking. A question which now doesn't define who I am, because I know who I am, where I belong and whose arms I am wrapped in. I know what family is, I know what unconditional love is. I know these things, but today, it's just kind of fun looking at my sister, Nita, who grew up so close, yet so far away from me, with a different family, in a different environment, and a different Mom, yet a Mom who gave birth to me too, who gave me life and sacrificed so that I could stand before a judge one day and say I want Mr. & Mrs. G to be my parents. That's pretty awesome. So, tell me....Do I look like my sister? Not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bone, yet, still miraculously my own.
Never forget for a single minute, you didn't grow under my heart, but IN it. -Author Unknown ![]() Just one of those days where I felt like I learned a whole lot...some big, some little and some, just a reminder of things I already know. Observations From My Day 1. It's nice to call people friend. It's even nicer to be a friend. 2. Four hours sitting a talking with someone who you really care about getting to know better only seems like 5 minutes. 3. I can make a cup of coffee last three hours. 4. I love that God meets us where we are and doesn't rush us through our struggles, pains, hurts and hang ups. He is gentle and loving, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. I want to be like Jesus. 5. When I used to smoke, I actually believed that the world was my ashtray. Today was payback as some smoker who has not yet had that realization that the world is NOT an ashtray threw a cigarette out the window and it landed on my car, bounced around and burned a spot on my car before it decide to burnout and blow off my car. 6. I learned that we see things differently when we are in different situations. 7. I learned that there are times when I hear God so clearly and times when I jump ten steps ahead of Him, but graciously He shows me an escape route and covers my butt...Sometimes though I just have to bite the bullet and deal with the consequences. Today, luckily, I retreated quick enough and learned to be a better listener. 8. After learning a listening lesson, God gave me another opportunity to listen to His voice, this time, though, it sounded just like my husbands voice and I simply said "ok" and didn't try and figure it out myself. It was surprisingly easy and less stressful. 9. My kids are adults. I can give my opinion, they don't always listen and I kind of like that. 10. It was really hot today. How do I know? Once I got in my Phoenix, AZ car, it took less that 5 seconds for my metal dangle earrings to heat up and start burning the side of my face. 11. My kids are pretty awesome. 12. The display mannequin I bought for my merch table needs to wear a bra...just sayin' 13. My husband is a very patient, hardworking, loving and forgiving man and I think he's cute! 14. God's Word is life to me. 15. God loves me......and He loves my husband and my kids way more than I do and I would die for them. 16. God is amazing. His love is amazing. 17. It's really awesome to have family in the airline business. 18. Life is short and no days are guaranteed. Love God, Love others. 19. And if I ever put on my calendar REST and SLEEP, I can be sure that in the mail will come a jury summons for that exact day. #Storyofmylife Earlier today, I was in the back room reading the Bible and just being a still for a bit. Now, I am sitting at my computer, getting some work done. During both of these experiences I was listening to the sounds of my son and his friend. His friend is happy, very happy. She loves to laugh, she loves to giggle and she finds humor and joy in just about every situation. Listening to her giggle, made me want to giggle, to smile to join in joy she felt. She has a contagious personality. I love being around people like that. I want to be like that. Contagious! And here is the reality....we are all contagious, but sometimes the contagions... (Contagion: (Merriam-Webster) a : rapid communication of an influence (as a doctrine or emotional state) b : an influence that spreads rapidly) .....we spread are complete seriousness, foul moods, negativity and lack of humor. My prayer today is that I would spread joy, reflective of what has been given to me. Today I want to SHINE!...and tomorrow...and the day after that! SHINE!!! It was a good day.
A day to watch my baby girl graduate High School and begin a new chapter in her life. My heart is full. Thank you Jesus for it all, every day, every breath. Thank you Lord. |
The BlogA collection of writings from a life based on the truth that about midnight anything can happen. AuthorAs an imperfect servant of the Lord, I often feel I am fumbling my way through life, looking upward for guidance and outward to love. So, I write about it, to break up the noise in my head. Categories
May 2024