During the summer months I cherish the time I get to spend with my wife. As I get back to my job at school we have less time together, but that isn’t the big change. The big shift actually happens when Mia goes back to work. My wife is an amazing speaker and worship leader, and for the last several years has been a part of the Aspire Women’s Event which tours the country. She is the host of the evening as well as singing and speaking at these events. This fall she will be in 31 different cities. This is an amazing opportunity, but as she travels it means she won’t be home during those times. I looked at the calendar today and realized she will be out of town 49 out of 73 days between September 13th and November 24th. Sometimes we enter periods of our life when we feel like we are separate from God, spending a lot of time on our own. James 4:8 reminds us, “Come near to God and He will come near to you…” At those times when we feel alone or separated from God He calls us to seek Him and He is there. Over the next few months I know my wife and I will often be in separate parts of the country. I also know she is only a phone call, text or Facetime call away. God is even closer. You don’t need modern technology. He is with you through everything, just come close to Him. I hope you can cherish the time you get with our loving Father while being assured that the time with Him never has to come to an end and you never have to feel separate from God again. Bob Koehne
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As I start a new school year at work, I think of the many sunrises I saw over the summer. I love to get out and hike the Phoenix mountains, and really the only time to do that during the summer is as the sun comes up. To be at the top of a mountain as the sun rises in the distance is a beautiful sight. The different shades of orange, blue and purple that often shine through can be breathtaking. Each year at the school where I work we pick a theme verse. Our theme verse for this year, Psalm 143:8, begins with the words, “Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love.” As I stand on top of a mountain and see the way God paints a masterpiece in the sky I can't help but to think of his unfailing love. This verse reminds us that every morning we can be reassured of the fact that He loves us and this love will never fail. So whether you have the chance to stand on a mountain, are inside getting ready for work or school, or maybe driving with the sun right in your eyes, I encourage you to think of God’s unfailing love each morning. With this in our hearts and on our minds we can move on to share this love with others each and every day. Bob Koehne |
AuthorBob Koehne, husband to Mia, is an educator, coach, mentor and administrator with a love for Jesus and a passion to see lives impacted for Christ through Christian education. These are just some of his writings. Categories
January 2020
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