After Christmas this year my wife and I switched our gym membership to a new gym that opened up near our home. She really likes it because it has a lot of different fitness classes. For me, it had everything I needed plus a basketball court where I could occasionally play some basketball as well. Mia has really enjoyed going to the fitness classes. She has asked me a couple of times to come with her to the class. I always told her no and that I had my own workouts I wanted to stick with. A couple weeks ago I told her that the next time we had a day off school I would come with her to a class. Well, President’s Day happened so guess where I was that Monday morning? I was at a High Fitness class with my wife. As we started out I was thinking this is no problem, I can do this. Then I made the mistake of looking at the clock. At that point I realized I was only 18 minutes into a 50 minute class. Have you ever been pushed to your limit? You think there is no way you could or would want to keep going? 2 Corinthians 12:9 says, “But he said to me, ’My grace is sufficient for you; for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weakness, so that God’s power may rest on me.” Sometimes we have to be reminded of our weakness so we can recognize God’s strength. If we think we can always do it all by ourselves we are missing the true source of strength that we need, God. That Monday was a good reminder for me that my own strength is not nearly enough, but the good news is it doesn’t have to be. God is there for us and through His grace we are made perfect. -Bob Koehne
AuthorBob Koehne, husband to Mia, is an educator, coach, mentor and administrator with a love for Jesus and a passion to see lives impacted for Christ through Christian education. These are just some of his writings. Categories
January 2020
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